Sunday, August 28, 2011

Plantain Explosion

An explosion is just what has happened in my front yard.  When I bought this house back in 2008, there was a very small plantain tree in the front yard.  In less than 3 years it has taken over.  Right now there are 4 stalks growing and I can see them get bigger, bigger every day.

Plantain is similar to bananas in looks but very different in taste.  Plantains tend to be firmer and lower in sugar content than bananas.  While Bananas are usually eaten raw, plantains tend to be cooked in a wide variety of ways - steamed, boiled, grilled, baked or fried.  My favorite - fried in coconut oil by Margarita - a local tica who runs a small soda (family type restaurant) down on the beach.

This is actually my second "harvest".  About 6 months ago I had 2 stalks grow to maturity.  I gave both to workers who work and live here in EO with their families.  I'v already been approached by 2 other workers as to availability once these are ready to go.  No problem - When the time is right, the guys will show up with their machetes and they will be gone.

Pura Vida

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