Sunday, August 14, 2011

Adventure on the High Seas

Roni's parent are up at Fred and Bri's house for the summer.  Her uncle Ray from San Diego and sister Ronell from Hawaii is here visiting for a short period.  On Tuesday we all went "sailing" around Manuel Antonio.  Debbie and Leiha were also on board along with Roni and Sean. The boat was advertised as a sailboat - however - it was just a catamaran.  "Something is something Jeff"  Despite that - a ton of fun was had.  The best part was the dolphins.  A small pod of about 10 swam along side and in front for about 15 minutes.  Snorkeling was fun - water not as clear as I hoped but still awesome.  After the fish dinner - Roni's father Ron and Uncle Ray played the guitar and sang.  We think the captain chose to stay out extra longer because of the music.  Unforgettable - Thanks Roni!

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