Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ledo & Lowti

When I am doing a morning walk down the beach, often I pick up my favorite walking partners - Ledo and Lowti who live with my good friends Kate and Dave.

The best thing about having dogs with you on a walk is they find joy and happiness in everything - chasing the birds, sniffing out strange things on the beach, meeting other dog friends like this older 3 legged dog,  etc, etc.

These photos were taken a few mornings ago.  On the walk back I was just standing there when I heard a plane coming my way - turned around, and there it was - a bright yellow biplane that I have seen a number of times flying over Esterillos.  The coolest thing about this is.......I have only been in a biplane one time in my life.  It was for a birthday and was were I used to live in CA.  That biplane was bright yellow - exactly like the one that flew over me on the beach, on this morning.  One very simple thing in life.......it was the gift of the day.

Pura Vida

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