Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tico Caballeros & Pearl Snaps

Shawn's back in town and with him is his new girl TeriLyn.

One of the first things Shawn tells me when I meet them is Teri loves horses and would I be interested in taking her riding.  This is like asking me to eat a bowl of brownies topped with ice cream or please accept this box of See's candy.  Horses have been my passion since I was a child and would run thru the fields tossing my hair and jumping logs pretending I was a horse.

I'm on it and immediately plan a ride with one of my favorite local tours.  8:00 a.m. Thursday morning we head for Del Pacifico - about 10 minutes down the road from Esterillos.

I have done this tour at least a dozen times.  I know it well and could easily be a guide.

We arrived right on time and I was surprised to see we where the only ones there.  I have brought other groups but never just me and one other person.  It has been at least 8 months since my last tour here mostly because the rainy season is not the best time to do this ride.

Teri loves horses but has had very little experience riding.  When I am in this type of situation I am almost overly protective because first of all I do not want them or the horse to get hurt and 2nd of all - I want them to have the time of their life!

Manrique is our guide.  I have never met him before.  He does not speak a word of English but understands I have some experience and Teri is a beginner. Then the 3 of us head out.

Like I said I have done this ride a number of times.  This was the first time I have been there when the land is still very, very wet.  Immediately we were slowly plowing thru mud which is difficult for the horses.  We took our time as we don't want a leg injury.  Before long we where up in the hills looking down upon endless miles of Costa Rican beauty.

One of the nights before this ride, I had seen Shawn and Teri down at LowTide.  He was wearing one of his long sleeve Pearl Snaps.  I made a comment about how awesome the shirt was - very cowboyish.  When I met Teri to head out to the stables she was wearing one of Shawn's Pearl Snaps and had one for me. Perfect!

Caballero is the spanish word for gentleman - in this case - a riding gentleman - one who is also chivalrous.  Manrique was our caballero and chivalrous he was.

As I said, I know this tour.... but on this day, Manrique took us thru several wire fences onto land I have never seen before.  We were riding thur the jungle, along the river beds, up hills next to magnificent trees - this was one of the most beautiful rides I have ever had.  When we got to the beach, he took photos for us, made sure we were cantering at a speed Teri was comfortable with and at the end pulled heliconia flowers off a vine for our hair.

By the time we got back to the stables we had been gone for over 2 hours.

This place also boards other people's horses and before we left I wanted Teri to see the beautiful black and white pinto stallion I have seen several times before. Teri walked up to this magnificent animal, put her hands softly on his face and immediately I could see the connection these two had.  The stallion dropped his head and stood close to the fence so she could touch him.  I actually got a photo of the softness in his eye. This was a magical moment.......and we all knew it.

The thing I miss most about my former life, is horses.  What a perfect day to have experienced the thing I love most with a new friend and our handsome caballero.

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