Monday, January 31, 2011

The Horses of Esterillos

I love horses!  They have been my passion my whole entire life and to live in a little beach town where the horses are often seen running on the beach, makes my heart sing.  Please know that I do understand having horses loose to come and go where they want is not a safe thing, but where I live, that is just the way things are.

Wednesday morning I was sitting at the surf shop talking with Desirae when I saw them headed down the road.  I grabbed my camera, waited until they passed and headed for the beach.  I never get involved in where they are going or try to steer them in a certain direction.  I would feel very responsible if someone got hurt or the horses themselves - but to just see them on the beach is such a pleasure.

One can never have too many photos of horses on the beach!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm new to your blog - Kurt told me of it. I live in Los Osos and am thinking of retiring to Costa Rica in 8 years or so. Another expat to the area!! I've been twice and hoping to go next year again. Hermosa Beach is one of my favs.
