Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pat's Punta Mala Magical Mystery Tour

Yes......I actually do a tour that I have named "Pat's Punta Mala Magical Mystery Tour"

Punta Mala means Bad Point.  What this the end....or.....maybe the start of the lava reef that does end in front of El Vago Bar here in EO.  I know....confusing. Anyway - up the beach from Esterillos - about a 45 minute walk along the most beautiful coast line in all the whole wide world is a place named Punta Mala. Here the reef reaches far out into the ocean.  It is a place that is full of mystery, beauty and serious magic.

The first time I went to this reef was in October 2006.  It was on my very first horseback ride with my handsome tico cowboy that I saw this place.  We actually rode the horses far out on to the reef itself, me concerned my horse would slip but actually never once missed a beat.  The day was beyond special considering who I was with, the setting, my first time in CR.  Everything about that day was perfect.  And since that time, I have been held spellbound by the mysteries of this dramatic, isolated place.

The first time I walked to the end was about 2 months after the ride.  It was with a young man named Steve who by then I had known for a couple weeks.  I didn't want to do this hike alone and thought he might also be interested.  He was and thus we went. We spent hours exploring everything we could reach until the tide started coming back in.  Since that day, I have been there more times than I can count and always with someone new to share this experience with.

In 2009, I did this hike with one of the Texas boys and it was on that trip that I discovered a tide pool with a large rock hanging over it that actually looks like a dragon's head.  On the spot I named it "The Dragon Pool".  I very cleaver of me :)

With all the times I have been there - I have discovered some pretty cool things and places that I now love to share.

This hike must be done at low tide.  I arrange the time to meet and start an hour before low tide.  Usually this is 6 to 6:30 am in the morning so that we are not walking back in the heat of the day.  This also gives me time to point a few other points of interest along the way, look for sea glass, fossils, whatever.  Almost always we see monkeys and other unexpected surprises.  This trip we saw the large iridescent blue morpho butterfly, and white face monkeys.  Found a complete turtle skeleton - I found an awesome piece of amber.  Everyone seemed to find a treasure meant just for them.

It really wasn't a lie but I did tell Jeff that Shawn was going and I did tell Shawn that Jeff was going, even tho I wasn't sure if either would.  Turned out both of them came with their girls Sharon and TeriLyn.  Betty from San Francisco - now in her 2nd week ever in CR and Kristi who now lives here full time with her husband Don, also came along.  With us was our new tico dog group project and on this trip she was given a name.  Sharon came up with it - Bella... and Bella it is.  She showed up a few weeks ago, was really sick last week.  I went to Jaco, got the medication she needed and now she sorta belongs to all of us.

I have to admit that the photos actually, kinda do it justice.  The place is huge, it is beautiful and I see something new every time I go.

I do not charge anything for this "tour" nor will I ever.  I do this with people I enjoy being with and simply want to share something - a place I truly love.

The dragon pool.  Someday, I envision this being a place known for being very unique and a gift of nature.  I found it and I named it.  I seriously believe I am the first who ever sat in it.  It's an interesting thing to be in the presence of a place very remote and yet right there.....I have a very personal relationship with this spot. It is hard to describe, but very real.  It brings me peace and joy to share with friends.

By the time we hit sand and are headed back, there is no more and water are the focus.  It has now been over 3 hours of fun and exploring with a 45 minute walk back to civilization.  The restaurant La Sirena hits the spot.  Within minutes of being seated, smoothies are being sucked down, breakfast on it's way.  Cool breeze, watching the waves, contemplating the hammocks that are just right there.  Most everyone takes a nap this day.

Enjoy the photos and the next time you get an invite to join me on this hike - please do so.

Pura Vida

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