Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Got up at 4 am so I could be at Debbie's house by 4:30.  She had a ride to the airport with Kristy and Don and I was going along since they had plans to go to shopping and I needed some things for the house.

By 7 am we were walking into a store named EPA - which is basically Home Depot in Costa Rica - looks exactly the same only everything is in Spanish.  As we passed thru the entrance we could see a large group of the staff was standing in a rather small area apparently having a "staff meeting".  We just go about our business and start wandering the isles. About 10 minutes later I hear music....Country music, and immediately look down at the end where most of the employees are - At this point there are a few workers in the lanes and one cash register is open.  What I see is about 20 people - all in their bright yellow work shirts....... LINE DANCING.  I can't believe it!  I go running thru the store to find my friends Kristy and Don to see if they know what is going on.  I fly around a corner and there they are..... mesmerized!  This goes on for a full 10 minutes and then the music stops.  By now....I'm kinda into it and singing along.  The employees are separating and heading in all directions.  Another 5 minutes goes by, the work day has begun when this cute guy comes up to me and asks me if I need help.  I tell him no but that the line dancing was a surprise - looks like fun.  He told me they do that every morning for the exercise and get everyone in a happy mood.......and that I could join them any time.  Costa Rica!!!  Gotta love it.  I swear...they are the happiest people I have ever met.  Pura Vida!!!!

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