Monday, July 15, 2013

The Calm After The Storm

Actually, there was no storm - Just the past 2 weeks of families on the beaches, lots of people in the water, all of Costa Rica on vacation.  What this was..... was something like "spring break".  

The school schedule here is very different from the states. Unlike school beginning in the Fall  - it begins here in February and goes until the middle of December.  From mid Dec. to the time they return in Feb - that is their "summer break" - that is also when the weather is dry and awesome, like our summers in the states.

So today.  It has been kinda crazy the past two weeks and then this morning all was quiet.  Everyone gone, muy tranquilo - even the sea.  Good size waves, but gentle.  When I went down to check things out, it was just Brett and Rich by themselves.  Unfortunately all I had was my point and shoot but you get the idea.

Brett's dog Tibby saw me when I arrived and posted up right in front of me.  She is a true beach dog - doesn't care what she looks like or... if there is sand in her face, her ears, even her tongue - obviously :)

On the way home, Jenny calls to me as I am riding my bike past her home - tells me they have new puppies.....again.  Last time I think it was 9 but 2 died in the first few days.  This time round, only 7.  The mother is American Stanford, the dad - a pit bull.  Very cute.....however, I worry about their future.

Now that this 2 weeks has passed, things will start to slow down.  There will still be some visitors from the states for it is summer there, but in about another 6 weeks that will be done and then things realllllly get slow.....and then - there will be rain.  Such is the circle of life here in EO.

Pura Vida



jose and his baby girl




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