Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Last Wednesday...Storm Of The Year??? - NOT

We all thought the storm last week was intense.  Actually, it wasn't even close to Sunday night.  After a wonderful afternoon with the girls at the Delfin hangin in the pool - we all managed to get home just as the rain began.  

I think it was about 7ish when I heard the thunder in the distance. Then lightening was obviously getting closer - sure enough.....here we go again - one more storm.

As I was working on a blog.....I soon realized I needed to hurry to get photos downloaded as the storm very quickly picked up the pace and then...the electricity went out.  I grabbed my flashlight and other light sources and got them set up.  Within a few minutes the storm hit and it hit hard.  I closed all my windows which is maybe the 2nd time I have ever done this.  Usually the one by the front door is open but when a big storm hits occasionally the wind blows the rain in.  The wind was picking up speed fast and I made the decision to close everything up tight and just go to bed.

Seriously, it only took minutes to do this but by then I was getting so freaked out - I closed my bedroom door and locked it - climbed in bed under my one lonely sheet.  I am not even coming close to exaggerating when I tell you it was the most frightening night I have ever had in my life - alone in my room with the lightening going off like a strobe light, the thunder shaking the core of me - I would swear the lightening bolts were striking in my back yard.  Have no idea how long this went on - to me....it seemed like forever!!

Eventually - it passed!  I was totally exhausted from having gotten home that morning at 3 am from going out dancing with Elizabeth in Quepos - then the pool party.....then being terrified in my own bed.  Sometime during the night the electricity came back on - I got up, turned off all the lights, turned the fan on and went back to sleep.

Woke up about 6 am - the usual.  Could tell it had rained hard but nothing was damaged.  Had a quick cup of coffee and headed out for the scheduled 7 am beach clean up.  As soon as I got down the street, there was Israel and Jim talking about the damage.  They told me a lot of people were flooded, trees had taken out power lines, the town was a mess.  So......I went back home and grabbed my camera.  Sure enough.....lots of damage - the photos tell the rest of the story.................

No Pura Vida for awhile - Electricity still out in parts of the town :(
Right outside my gate

Electrical lines down

Rancho Coral

Cabina under the trees

Back side of Vago's taken out

landslide on Canada Hill

Torn roof top - otherside also

My former cabina - lived here 2 1/2 yrs - Fortunately the tree fell between both houses

Casa de Fred & Bri


Lot below Apartmentos Iguanas

Casa de Dennis & Kyle - roof gone - had to evacuate while the storm was hitting

Good thing the tree went the opposite direction from the Shake

La Sirena Hotel - entertainment area

Tons of debris on the beach

Roofs all over town being repaired

The boats - used to weather - all safe and secure

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