Thursday, July 4, 2013

The BIG Day

For the past several months and the closer it got, I was painfully dreading my birthday - July 2nd.  Never, ever in the past did I even consider the number of years that had passed, but for some unknown reason, the thought of 60.....yes, SIXTY, seemed like.....a lot.  Odds are I am past the half way mark in my life, I have already become very aware things do not get easier the older you get.....I simply did not want to deal with this.  In fact, I found it hard to comprehend.....60?? Really?????

But...there is no stopping time and then all of a sudden it was there.  In the past I have taken it upon myself to plan my day and for many years I have done things that would make the day special to me.  One year I did a tandem skydive out of Paso Robles, CA.  It was late afternoon and as I did a free fall strapped to a very handsome young man from Australia, when the parachute opened - the remainder of the fall was a calm discussion with this awesome guy with a southing Australian accent about the full moon in front of us coming up in the east, as the sun behind us was setting, lighting the lake area up as if it were on fire.  I will never ever forget that moment.

So...with the biggie coming up, as usual I decided to make my own plans.  I came up with what I thought would be a great idea - salsa dancing in Jaco!  I told my friend Anna and asked her to keep it a secret.  My plan was to invite all my girlfriends to dinner and then spring the salsa idea on them when a few handsome guys showed up that would accompany us to a club and teach us to dance.  It all sounded like a great idea at the time :)  Then, a week before, my friend Brooke tells me don't make plans, she and "others" had plans for me.  I immediately put up the hand and said - no, wait, I have plans......before you do anything talk to Anna.  

And then I just let go.  I trusted that Anna - who would make sure what I wanted to do would happen and that she would bring Brooke on board, sworn to secrecy and we would all end up on a dance floor before the night had ended.

Knowing nothing was really going to happen until that night - I decided I wanted to go on a horseback ride in the morning.  I got in touch with a friend Syl who leads tours and made arrangements with her.  Syl has been in a number of my blogs as she is the one who gave riding lessons to Gry.  I had heard Syl was doing something different and so I contacted her.  Gry wanted to go and so did Denise.  For days before, we had rain in the mornings.  Of course I wanted a beautiful day, and amazingly - that is exactly what I got.

This tour is about 15 minutes from where I live but an area I had never seen before.  The ride was perfect, so amazing, exactly what I wanted!

The afternoon was quiet, I tried to take a nap but that just wasn't happening.  I was told Brooke would pick me up at 6 pm for dinner.  Sure enough - she was there right on time.  When we made the two minute drive basically around the block to Karen's restaurant I wasn't disappointed....just surprised.  As we walked in, there sat Gry, Des, Anna and my friend Judy from Colorado - all wearing party tinsel red, silver and blue wigs!  I was given a princess crown and the party was on.  The food was amazing as always, I love all these amazing women so much as there is always constant laughter when in their presence.

As we are heading out, for just where I had no idea - Brooke tells me I have to put on a blindfold.  Now remember, I truly believe we are going to Jaco because I had specifically told Anna this is what I wanted to do.  Each time we had discussed this she would say - "don't worry - I'v got your back!!!"

So - we are now in Brooke's Jeep - Des and Gry in the back.  I am seriously thinking how funny this is because there are only so many ways to get to Jaco - land, sea or air.  I knew for sure a boat would not be involved or even a plane :) and there is only one road to Jaco - Why in the world am I wearing a blindfold... but of course I played along for "their" benefit!

For about one minute I was certain we were on the road going in the direction I expected towards the highway - however in a matter of moments we were back on dirt, then up hill, down hill, this way, that way - I was thinking we were across the highway in a development a number of people I know live but then......this drive went on and on.  I actually thought we crossed a stream but was later told.....No, that did not happen.  I was so confused - I had no idea what was going on.

Finally.....she started to slow down.  I don't remember how the door was opened but before I knew it, 2 people were on each side of me leading me by hand.  I was told to be careful, step up....and then I heard music, it was all so confusing - it sounded so familiar and in that moment I realize what it was - "American Girl", the blindfold came off and I was in the twilight zone.  It is hard to explain how your mind can go blank in the most familiar setting, but it did and it literally took a few seconds - which can be a very long time - before I realize where I was - right here in Esterillos - the amazing home of my friends Fred and Brigitte, that I my self have stayed many, many times.  Someone lead me down the short hallway to the patio area and all of a sudden there it was - My most favorite band "The Chupacabres" and......the entire town!!

This one moment is so hard to explain - first of all..SHOCKED!  For a moment - embarrassed to be the center of all this attention, overwhelmed at the realization all this was for me!

In a nutshell - the evening was the most wonderful night of my life.  I have never had so many of my friends manage to keep a secret and then pull it off with flying colors.  There was so much detail to food and decorations - it was everywhere.  Joanna made the most delicious chocolate cake ever!!!  And the band.......I have been one of their many groupies for years.   I first heard them back in 2008 and every single time since I have had the opportunity to hear them....I am there.  They all know me, I them - this was the best present anyone could have ever given me.

And so - here I am - now on the other side of the fence.  The day I had dreaded for so long came and went - but will be remembered for the rest of my life as the night that totally blew me away.  I am so thankful for the wonderful friends I have, that all made this happen and for that alone.......I am truly grateful!

Pura Vida

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