Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday Road Trip

Yesterday morning, on my walkabout - I stopped by Brooke and Craig's to see what they had planned for the day.  Brooke works online all week long but always takes the time on Sunday for family.

While they were talking about options - Dominical came up.  It is a small beach town about an hour and 20 mins down the coast.  Because I happened to be at the right place at the right time - I was invited to come along.  The big payoff for them - I knew of a great waterfall less than 4 miles from Dominical.  About an hour later, I squeezed in the back seat with Beau and Nico and we were off.  Lunch at Tortilla Flats, a walk on the beach, then the waterfall.  Good time had by all!!

Pura Vida

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