Friday, April 5, 2013

Adios Shake

Last Sunday, The Shake closed it doors to the public - for good!  Since the death of Bob, one of the owners last June, Will has been trying to sell the bar and restaurant.  Months ago he made the decision that if it wasn't sold by the end of Semana Santa (Easter) he would shut it down..... that is just what happened on Sunday.

I met Bob and Will in early 2007.  That was when I also met Gustavo who would remain their top employee and bartender until the very end.  The Shake was known for horseshoes on Thursdays and a variety of events thru the years.

On Sunday, there was just a handful of us there to say goodbye.  Bottom line....I was really sad to see this happen.  The Shake has been a staple in my life here in Esterillos.  A place I was always welcome - the same people thru all the years I have lived here.  Friends that will leave.... no idea if I will ever see them again. 

The photos go way back as many have come and gone.  Will, Gustavo, Chiquita & Roxanne...I wish you the very best of luck and may our paths cross again.  I love you - I will miss you!!!

Pura Vida
Me and Will on the last Sunday :(



Billy and Chiquita

Desirae and Kealy


Last day of HorseShoes - 21 March 2013

Larry and Erwin

Roxanne and Gustavo

July 2008


Will and Bob 2008

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