Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Friend Bob

Bob is my friend who lives on a sailboat in Chula Vista, CA - near the Mexican boarder.  The other 6 months he lives in a house he owns right here in EO.  Bob and I can been friends for many years and I hate it when he returns to California.  He left last week but before he was gone, he had planned a "country ride" with Billy and me in his Suzuki.

The day was well planned -it just didn't work out the way we wanted.  Just as we were getting pretty high in the mountains, the differential decided to snap off and that was the end of the planned trip but not the adventure.  First of all, we needed to get off the very steep narrow road we were on and did that by backing down the mountain - a bit hair raising but I know Bob - he is careful and cautious and got us to a place we could safely turn around.  Once we stopped and reassessed the situation, he decided we needed to go back up the hill to get the part that had broken off.  Rather than try to get up in 4 wheel drive, I suggested we just hike it.  As it turned out, the part was not as far up the road as we both believed it was and it was soon retrieved.  Then.....we needed to get back to civilization.  The 4 wheel drive worked just fine -just took awhile.  

When we got to Jaco I suggested we stop at a soda (small restaurant) on the highway, have lunch and discuss the options. While we were there Bob called a mechanic friend to ask if it might be possible to drive all the way home in 4 wheel drive. Well - first of all, a Tico will tell you yes to anything..and so of course, he did.  Again, we then sat there and discussed our options knowing we could only go about 10 miles per hour to our home - almost 20 miles away.

I am kinda like a Tico.  When it comes to something daring....if I am asked "Do you want to go for it" 9 times out of 10 - I will say YES.  Remember - for those of you who really know me - I actually did the Bloukrans Bridge Bungy jump in South Africa - 216 meters/709 feet :) back in 2002.  That jump was the single most exciting thing I have ever done in my life and I would do it again in a heartbeat!!

So anyway - leave the car in Jaco, find a way home or travel 20 miles in 4 wheel drive?  This was a no brainer - Just Go for it! It was actually nice.  We both got to carefully and slowly see things and places we had never seen before.  There was time to actually look inside the open doors of homes we passed.   I made Bob stop at my favorite hill top view of the coast that you have to park and then carefully climb up to.  All and all - this long slow trip home with lots to talk about and see was truly fun. A few days later Bob tells me he was highly concerned about being on the death highway where most trucks, buses, drivers have absolutely no respect for anyone else on the road.  I have to admit there were a few trucks that passed so close, we both thought if Bob had had his elbow out the window - the truck would have taken it off....seriously!  But.....we made it, the trip was not what we expected, but nothing ever is when one lives in this beautiful amazing country - Costa Rica :)

Pura Vida

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