Friday, April 26, 2013

The Blue Flag

Last Saturday, Esterillos was honored by receiving the "Blue Flag"  The following is info I got off a web site that explains the basics of this program:

The Blue Flag Ecology Program is a joint venture of several Costa Rican authorities, including the Costa RicanTourism Institute, MINAE (Ministry of Environment), National Water Service, Ministry of Public Health and CANATUR (National Tourism Chamber) along with the member community striving to achieve the Blue Flag.  Administered by the National Blue Flag Commission, the continued efforts of these organizations have resulted in a long list of beaches being awarded the Ecological Blue Flag.

Under the Blue Flag Ecology Program, the Costa Rican beaches are evaluated on a strict criterion.  The beaches are assessed on water quality of the ocean and the drinking water, waste disposal, sanitary facilities, signage, tourist safety, environmental education and involvement of the community in beach maintenance.  Only beaches with a 90% score succeed in acquiring a distinction and receiving the Blue Flag.  Beaches awarded the Blue Flag are then monitored on monthly basis for sustrained maintenance.

The Blue Flag Ecology Program was founded with the purpose of improving education and information regarding the environment.  Since then it has been helping to promote the protection of the natural surroundings and increasing public knowledge in this regard.
The award was presented at a local hotel.  Children from Esterillos were present to participate in making posters to support the cause of the Blue Flag and actually receive it.  Afterwards there was a parade thru town to the place it was raised and will remain as long as Esterillos complies with the rules and regulations to maintain this honor.

Amazingly within a few minutes of the parade reaching the beach, it started to rain.  Not just rain - a total downpour.  Everyone was huddled under the cover at the bus stop and Vago's.  This went on for about 30 minutes.  In the meantime, the kids played games on the beach and the local police played volleyball.  The rain is warm and refreshing so it really made no difference.  

This flag is not presented and then forgotten - rather it is a constant reminder of the the work and standards that had to be achieved to receive it.  Inspections are held monthly and if a community falls behind in the requirements - it will lose the blue flag.  
I just got an e-mail from the newly organized EO Blue Flag Committee, there will be a beach cleanup Monday morning.  It took a long time to get here......let's not lose it :)  

Pura Vida
Project Manager - Tyson

Craig, Noah and I sprucing up the bus stop before the presentation

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