Friday, April 26, 2013

Raymond's Birthday

Yesterday - Thursday - was my friend Raymond's birthday.  He is from LA.  Raymond is a surfer who has been visiting Costa Rica since the 90's and visits EO about twice a year.  Tuesday he flew back to LA but, the night before he left,  the family he has been staying with gave him an early birthday party.  Cecilia is the daughter of Moncho and Margarita. Between their 8 children, they have more  grandchildren than I can count.  It was Cecilia's cabinas he stayed at and she who planned the party.  Because "Everybody loves Raymond :) almost all the family was there.  

The photos are just a few random shots I got while he was here for a few weeks.  

Hurry back Raymond - You are already very much missed!!

Pura Vida

Raymond, Miguel, Erin, Me, Vago, Cam, Brandon, Brooke and Craig

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