Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I saw him the first time just last week.  I was in a hurry to get some laundry on the line and as I was rushing out the back door I startled him and saw him fly off the back wall.  Two days later I was sitting at the table when I saw him fly onto the wall - same spot as before.  I wanted to get my camera but thought he would fly again so I just sat enjoying his company.

Then....this morning.  I saw him from my bedroom window.  I grabbed the camera and very carefully started taking photos from the back door.  I took several and then just sat there while he was checking me out.  

Jake is a Yellow Throated Tiger Heron.  They are quite common here in Esterillos.  I have no idea if the bird is male or female but for now - He is Jake - my new friend :)

Pura Vida

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