Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Dieter is the German welder who will be doing the vast majority of the work on La Sirena.  When Elizabeth and I spoke with him back in early February he told us it would be the end of March before he could start the work.  The majority of the money has been collected, now we are just waiting for Dieter.

Last week Dieter found some time to come to Esterillos to do a trial run to see just how this was all going to work.  Because of her location, the work can only be done at low tide.  He wanted to be sure he could park his truck close enough, wanted to make sure there would be helpers to get the tanks and whatever he needs out to him, and above all make sure the materials he has is what was needed....and so he came.

He was here for a little over an hour.  Everything went as planned except the fact that in the mornings the concrete which is the center of the mermaid is very cold.  Plus, because of the hole in her head which allows water to enter and then seep out of the cracks presents somewhat of a problem when he is doing the welding.  I really have no idea how he will deal with these issues but he is confident he will still be able to fix her.  All in all it was a good morning and one more necessary step to getting closer to having this done.

As I said, he told us he would begin the work at the end of March.  Easter Sunday is March 31st which means all the week prior is Semana Santa here in Costa Rica - next to Christmas, the busiest week of the year.  I have not spoke to Dieter about this, but my guess is it will be after the holiday he begins.  The day he starts will be my next update as to the progress.  

Once again I thank all of you who contributed to this cause.  Starting with the day Dieter arrives, I will provide regular updates as to the progress and then......the final day when she is done.   That will be a day to celebrate :)

Pura Vida

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