Sunday, November 4, 2012

Where O Where Has Pat Been???????

John being sworn in by retired Judge Rodney Melville

Me, Casey, Lindsey and my middle son Scott

My very close friends Steve and Pam

The boys - Kevin, John, Ray

Katie, my oldest son Chris, the 3 McGregor sisters and Scott

My girls -Katie, Courtney, Casey, Lindsey

John and I

Me and Scott

My friends Mike and Erin Fink's amazing wonder cat :)

My long time friend Sharlene with her 3 children

Two friends I dearly love - Johnny and his mother Serena

My most favorite place in the whole wide world - Shell Beach, CA

My beautiful friend Pam

Shell Beach

Shell Beach

More Shell Beach

Guess :)

Can you tell I truly love this place!

Cisco and John

My beloved Cisco

Grover Beach - My home of 30 years

My own footprints for a moment in the sand.....

Pismo Pier - I have stood in this place more times than I can recall.

Catching up with my Esterillos friend Scott in Santa Barbara - TX Scott for making the time :)

Birthday lunch with my oldest son Chris in Costa Mesa

The famous Huntington Beach Pier

The beautiful tile mural near HB Pier

The drive back up the coast - Santa Catalina Island

California in October!

My beautiful friend Erin with the so very, very cute Hunter

Chad, Erin and Hunter - I love all of you!!!

I love this photo - Chad & Erin meeting my son Scott - Me meeting their son Hunter!

Happy Halloween from the Clark Family 
This morning I got 2 e-mail asking where have I been - no blogs for over 2 weeks??  That actually made me smile as I now know there are at least 2 people out there following my comings and goings here in Costa Rica.

So where have I been?  I was back in California.  My former neighbor - John McGregor - close friend, first attorney I worked for that introduced me to the legal field as his secretary back in 1990 - the year he and his wife with 3 small girls moved from Santa Monica right next door to me - was recently appointed a Superior Court Judge in the county of Santa Barbara, CA.

Typically when a person receives such an appointment a rather formal affair called an Enrobing ceremony is held.  Friends, family and co-workers are given the opportunity to share their love and respect for the newly appointee.  Sitting judges and commissioners are on stage in the presence of the ceremony when the man of the hour is sworn in and adorned with the black robe he will wear from that day forward at all court appearances he presides over.

The enrobing ceremony was held in Solvang on Friday, Oct. 19th.  I had arrived in CA the day before and was able to take my oldest and middle sons with me.  The entire evening was joyous as I have known John and his family for over 20 years.  All 3 of his girls were there, 2 of them with spouses, other friends and family I have also known for many, many years.  Delicious food afterwards, time spent getting caught up with friends and co-workers I have known from the time John and I opened an office together in Santa Maria back in August 1990.  He knew no one in Santa Maria, I knew zero about the law.  That was many, many years ago........we have both come a long, long ways - he in career and status - me just in miles :)

I was in CA for only 11 days but during that time I managed to drive up and down the coast from LA were my oldest son lives - 3 times, visited as many friends as I could fit in - made another trip south to San Diego where my son Scott and I stayed with John's middle daughter Lindsey and her husband Jeff, then had breakfast with my very dear close friends Chad and Erin and their darling new baby boy - Hunter.  My oldest son turned 34 on the the 26th - we spent the day at a favorite restaurant in Costa Mesa then went to Huntington Beach - a place I have never once been - walked the amazing historical pier and the spent all afternoon driving up the coast.  Such a great day for both of us!

A total whirlwind of a trip - So very, very, very thankful I was able to make it.

Now I am back in beautiful Esterillos.  I swear - the season changed while I was gone.  Every morning since I have been back - the sun has been up extra early, the sky is bright blue, the birds and all nature has exploded with joy - dry season is around the corner and with that brings the holidays, people coming and going, softer - cleaner waves, non stop fun :)

Pura Vida at its' very best!

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