Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lady Gaga

November 3, 2012 - Lady Gaga's "Born This Way Ball" International concert in San Jose, Costa Rica

When this concert was first announced my friend Gry asked me if I wanted to go.  Considered it for half a second - Yes!!!  I was IN.

Unfortunately this concert would be held on the same night a huge party was also being held here in Esterillos - Karen's "Grand Opening" of her restaurant Los Almendros with live music.  With the cost of the concert, travel expenses, etc - only 4 of us where able to commit - Gry and her husband Robby, me and Melisa.

Then.......last Monday Gry was sent to Miami by the radio station she helps produce in Denmark to help cover the election.  On Thursday, Melisa returned to Utah with her children to take care of family business.  This left just me and Robby with 2 extra tickets.  In the was me, Robby and Esteban who works at the surf shop Robby co-owns with Adam - that went.

On the way to San Jose I told the guys that this concert was something that for awhile has been on my must do list while I still live in Costa Rica - Go to a concert at the huge, amazing new 2 year old stadium and attend a concert.  The Lady Gaga concert to date is the biggest event held as it was predicted people would come from all over as this was her only stop in central america.  This is exactly what I had in mind but never considered just who it would be until this came up.

Having Esteban with us, who is Tico and actually grew up in San Jose close to where the new national stadium is and where the concert was being held - help make the coming and going so much easier.  Before the concert we went to a local Chinese restaurant Esteban also knew very well.

When we first got there it was a little drizzly and thus the no so stylin rain gear I bought on site.  Fortunately it cleared up before the concert began and we were all left with a perfect cool evening under a cloudy but more than half full moon shining down upon us.

In short - This concert was amazing.  The set, the music, the audience was fully charged and operating at full throttle.  One of the first things I did this morning after getting up late - It was 2:30 am when I got to bed - was to download all my now new favorite Lady Gaga songs :)

Thank you Robby and Esteban for this truly unforgettable evening!!

Pura Vida

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