Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Just Because We Can........

The Original - Caitlin, Desirae, Judy, Anna

Yesterday - Election Day - Kate had invited me and Desirae over to her house to have dinner and watch a movie - Dave is currently in the states so it was just us girls.  Individual, custom made pizzas and a lot of... red, red wine.  In honor of the day, we watched "The Candidate", checked in and out as to the ongoing voting results, lots of girl talk.  Before we knew it -it was very, very late.

Rather than have Desirae walk up the hill in the dark and rain, she came home with me as I live about 5 minutes from Kate's house.

I was up early as usual, Des slept in an extra hour.  While she was checking e-mail, etc - I made breakfast - my guess is that was about 8 am.

About 2 pm we were hungry again and so I made my very tasty avocado, grilled cheese sandwiches - finished off the remaining bottle of wine from the night before.

About 5 pm, we started discussing the option of her going home........knowing her husband had been wondering all day where she was - even tho he did know.  It was after 6 pm when she finally headed out the door.

So.....what did we do ALL day long?

We talked, we ate, we played on the computer, talked, ate, more computer.

The photos I am posting are from a site Des discovered because I wanted to be able to do something similar to Instagram but don't have a device to install the app required onto.  Des told me to pick a photo to "play" with. I have no idea why this one came to mind other than it makes me happy.  This photo was taken back in July when my then brand new friend Judy and her daughter Caitlin were here in EO for their first time ever.  Anna was also in town and all of us were at a party at "The Backyard" in Hermosa.  I like this photo because each and everyone one of them simply look so beautiful.

These photos are the only thing productive we did - Why???  - Just because we can :)

Pura Vida

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