Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Riding Lessons - Now in Hermosa

While I was in California Sylwia moved her horses to Hermosa - 20 minutes UP the coast.  Sunday morning Gry had another lesson scheduled - I wanted to check out the new place.  I loved it.

The main reason I post these photos is because these lessons are not in the states where you would find a nice professional arena, nice facilities for the horses.  Those places do exist here in Costa Rica, but not with Sylwia. Sylwia is only 27, barely gets by, but is the most amazing rider I have ever known.  Her passion is her horses and dogs, she knows her stuff.  She is a professional and when she is in teaching mode.....she is tough! Doesn't matter if you are male or female, when you are the student....she calls you "Darling".

During this lesson there was a moment when both the rider (sorry Gry) and the horse were both acting up. Sylwia got after both of them and by the end of this lesson, everyone was in sync and it turned out to be a great learning lesson for everyone - including me.

Pura Vida

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