Friday, November 23, 2012


Paul & Glenn



Pauls first Wave

Raymond's last night, Steve, Anna, Paul, Glenn, Dylan


Glenn, Paul, Steve

Playa Manuel Antonio

Sunset at Manuel Antonio

Paul, me, Dylan, Glenn, Vago, Anna, Steve

Dylan & Paul

Joe, Glenn & Steve

The Last Night
Two weeks ago the tide came in when my beautiful friend Anna arrived from Houston for a short 10 day visit.  Her boyfriend Heyward was not with her and so I knew I would be able to have her all to myself.  Two days later the Ontario boys arrived.

I can't remember exactly what day of the week it was but surf was in the evening and I was on the beach specifically to take photos of Anna.  While I was sitting there I saw a couple guys I recognized from last year - Steve and Glenn from Ontario.  With them was their friend Dylan whom I also met a year ago with Paul, his first time ever in Costa Rica.

Both Steve and Glenn recognized me on the beach and when they came out of the water with surf boards in hand immediately walked over to me to say hello - and thus the fun began.

In the days that followed, the 4 guys, me and Anna were a team - dinners together, me taking 2 of them by hand running on the beach splashing water that was lit up like florescent fireworks due to the algae in the water, a trip to national park Manuel Antonio, followed by many pina coladas and a crazy evening at Vago's, an afternoon walk with Dylan and Paul to Punta Mala where I placed them on the edge of a crevasse with mountains of water crashing down upon them, fun times surfing, tons of laughter.

Before I go any further I need to clarify - Glenn, Paul and Dylan are all married with children, Steve is in a committed relationship.  Like my other favorites the "Daytona Boys" - these guys were all about family, sharing photos, no crude comments about the to surf, have a good time with their closest guy friends, not the free for all I often see when many others show up who conveniently forget they are married.

Yesterday the tide went out and with it went Glenn, Steve and Dylan.   Paul had already left Sunday night and Anna returned to Texas on Monday.  Within in the hour of saying good-bye to the remaining three,  the sadness set in. Yesterday was Thanksgiving and my thoughts were with my 3 sons - each experiencing the day in their own way but not together.  Having the guys here was such a joy in that they are all such great examples of good men who put their families first.  On the day America celebrates family, I was overly homesick for times past when my children were small and holidays such as this were a huge part of our lives.

The tide comes in - the tide goes out - such is life in Esterillos.  Many wonderful people who are here such a short time often have a huge impact on my life.  My house is currently for sale - when that happens I have no idea where I go.  There is a good chance I will never see these guys again - however - what I do know is a bond was created - it is part of the magic of Costa Rica.  Internet, FaceBook, etc now makes it so easy to stay in touch and knowing that I am confident we will remain connected and for that......I am truly grateful!

To celebrate Thanksgiving I had been invited by Kealy and Desirae to their house for dinner.  Deb from Colorado had arrived the day before, joined us along with Jack and another fairly new friend Sunny.  There was a moment before we ate that I looked at each one of them, saw them for the close friends they are who love me, felt grateful for the special evening we shared.

It was late when I got home and before I went to bed I checked my e-mail.  There were 2 messages - one from my oldest son Chris, the other my middle son Scott.  Each one expressing their love and appreciation for me.  I had spoke to my youngest son Sean in the afternoon, a very open and honest conversation about past history and gratitude.

Such an interesting day.  When it comes down to it, the most important things in life are truly family and friends.  I am so very fortunate to have so much - 3 wonderful sons, friends from many different places in the world who truly love me and I them!

May the upcoming holidays be safe and joyous for all of you and your families.  My wish for you is that your heart overflow.......with Gratitude!

Pura Vida

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