Sunday, July 31, 2011

Thursday Morning Surf Trip

One of my most favorite things is getting up at the break of dawn and heading out in search of surf. Thursday morning that's just what I did.

Playa Blanco was the destination - Me, Adam and Ozzie in the truck - Brett, Vago, Jr, and Samantha with Joe.

Surf was not phenominal but still fun.  I had my new tattoo filled in last week so I am still out of the water for another 2 weeks :( was fun just to sit on the beach and try to get a few good shots with my very limited range camera.  Was simply awesome to be there on a beautiful day in the presence of good friends - including the raccoon that stole the bananas out of my beach bag.

Pura Vida


Elizabeth is about 33 years old and is from Holland.  She came to Costa Rica about 8 years ago to study spanish and like many of us fell in love with the country and has been here ever since.  A few years ago she made the decision to have a baby as a single mom and with a tico man she loves very much, accomplished just that.  That beautiful baby was born a year ago and her name is Emma.  Elizabeth and Emma return to Holland to visit her family about twice a year, but their home is here in Costa Rica.

I have known Elizabeth for over 4 years.  It was because of her that I became a volunteer at the Veterinary clinic in Jaco in 2007.  It was because of her that I experienced the joy of horse shopping in Costa Rica when she bought her horse Millennio back in 2008.  We have had a number of adventures together and I simply love this young woman.

Emma had her first birthday about 2 weeks ago.  I was invited to the party which was held at Elizabeth's home in Jaco.  Every month since she was born, there has been a party to celebrate Emma but this of course was the big one.  Emma's father comes from a huge tico family and many of them were there.  Besides proud grandparents, Emma has tico uncles, aunts and tons of cousins.  There was lots of food and of course music.  Latin music is very important to this culture.  Emma was passed from one cousin to the other dancing.  Her sweet face covered with a huge smile.

This child is beautiful, animated, loves everyone.  She is a pleasure to be in the presence of and all of this is because she has a mother totally devoted to her.  Elizabeth is totally lit up with Emma in her arms.

I do not have any grandchildren and I never had a daughter.  I don't think of Elizabeth as a daughter, but I do love her.   Emma on the other hand, has given me the glimpse of what it would be like..........

It's been a long time since I have had a young child in my life that was so special.  To have Elizabeth and Emma is a gift.  It is an element of life that I believe is important. A child's life is so sweet and simple.  They find joy in everything and as a result you see the world again thru different eyes.

Thank you Elizabeth for the gift of you and your beautiful daughter.  I am very grateful to have the two of you in my life.

Pura Vida

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

David & Nita

Last week friends of Debbie - David & Nita,  arrived here from Austin.  Like many people who come to EO, I spend a little time with them and then all of a sudden we are now life long friends.  When I walked into Debbie's house and met them for the first time.....they already knew me. They are fans of my blog and so this is for them.

Often I am asked if I get bored in this little town.  I tell them there is no time to be bored.  There are people coming and going all the time.  New friends I am just meeting like David and Nita, many....many friends like Rick & Ginny who come for months at a time and then return to the states, and then.... there is always the core group - for better or worse....are always here.

As a result, there is always some one here who wants to do something fun and I am always about having fun.  The photos are just a few of the things my new friends - David, Nita and I did this past week.

Pura Vida