Saturday, April 16, 2011

We've got bubbles......

My dear friend Pepper is leaving Costa Rica the first of May to work on an organic farm in upstate New York for 6 months.  After that.....who knows.  I simply love this girl and it was her idea to have a special night before she leaves.  We planned to have dinner and in the stages of planning it was she who suggested we fire up the jacuzzi at my house that believe it or not - I have never used.  Last night was the night.

Pepper brought all the fixin's for an awesome salad. I had picked up the strawberries, a box of CR boxed wine and a bottle of "Champaign".  Sean, EO's best chef had given me a dish of berry/mango dip.  I had lit about 15 tea light candles for our "romantic evening"  During dinner, the tunes were on, the tub was filling up. Both of us had discussed bubbles but neither of us had followed thru to buy some, so Pepper grabbed my shampoo and I dumped it in.

When the water was deep enough I turned on the jets.  It became obvious real fast, I had put in way more shampoo than was needed.  Bottom line, the bubbles were out of control!  Pepper and I were laughing hysterically - for a very long time.

Pepper - You know I love you, I wish you all the best!   Thank you for a night we will always remember and will definitely laugh about again!

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