Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Luckiest Dog Alive.....

That would be Gladys.

Gladys is a hound dog.  Seriously - a hound dog with the authentic howl and everything. No one knows where she came from but about 2 years ago she showed up on the door step of Mike and Martha.  At that time she was a starving puppy with mange.  They fed her but within that week, they returned to Galveston for a 2 week period.  Before they left, they asked Dave, who does property management in their development, to stop by the house every day and leave food.  Of course he did and every day that puppy was there.  In fact, she did not leave the property at all.  When Mike and Martha returned, they made sure she had the medication, etc. she needed and shortly after, Lee - who lives here full time but is from England, assumed the responsibility of Gladys and he became her boy.

Gladys is like most tico dogs - a free spirit.  As she grew, her personality began to shine.  To see her now, you would never guess her rough beginnings.

For tico dogs who are lucky enough to capture the love of their owners, most of them live long healthy lives.  Gladys has the love and devotion of her owner but is constantly challenging the elements and has proved to have more than 1 life.

Last year Gladys and Lee were at a restaurant - a very nice restaurant - between here and Esterillos Este, that sits up on a hill mostly surrounded by manicured landscape and small ponds.  It was here she had her first encounter with a crocodile.  As she was near the water's edge, a large croc sprung out of the water and grabbed her.  She managed to escape with a 3 inch gouge in her hip.

Several months later - can't remember where this happened - she as bite by a poisonous snake and spent 10 days at the vet hospital in Jaco.

Three days ago, she and Lee were walking the beach towards Punta Mala.  Not far up the beach at all.....where the stream flows out from the jungle onto the beach - quite heavily during the rainy season, Lee hears that blood curdling scream again - Of course, It is Gladys - this time a caiman (smaller version of a crocodile - in the same family) has her by the neck.  Amazingly she got away with a puncture on the top of the neck and several deep scratches under.

Gladys - Esterillos' wonder dog.  May you live a long and happy life - no more scares please!

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