Friday, April 22, 2011

Semana Santa - Good reason to get out of town

This week is Semana Santa - holy week.  Esterillos is full of tico's from San Jose here for the holiday.  The village is packed and a good time for those of us who live here - to leave - even if only for a few hours.  Yesterday was a great day to do just that and so I invited Pepper, picked up Desirae on the way and off we went to the mountains to once again see Manuel - the tico artist who creates wild, scary wood carvings from his dreams and is one of the most humble and kind men I have ever met.

Once you get off the main highway and into the country, this is where you see Costa Rica.  It is not in Jaco or the many tourist places to stop on the highways - it is in the mountains where life is quite, way more simple.  Farm land, horses and cattle, modest homes - no sign of gringos.....

Since this is now my 3rd blog in about a month about Manuel and the trip to San Antonio I don't need to say much - however - each trip is different because of whom I am with.  To have both Pepper and Desirae with me made for a perfect day.  They were delighted to meet Manuel and he them.  Afterwards,  the 3 of us stood on a high bridge and enjoyed looking down on the simple joy of tico's on holiday.  When I was last on this bridge, there was no one below us.  Yesterday, all along the Rio Tulin we saw people playing in the water, tents set up, enjoying family time together.

On the way back we saw a young man working on an old carriage.  I stopped and asked if we could see what he was doing.  He was delighted to tell us about this 100 year old carriage that is from Nicaragua that he is restoring.  It was a special time visiting with him, taking photos.

We stopped along the country road to watch young bulls butting heads while Papa bull and a baby bull watched.  It was very interesting this macho bull training session.  Afterwards, we sat by the river with our feet in the water.  On the way home, I stopped and took photos of the ceiba trees that I always look upon with wonder.  Awesome lunch at a favorite soda before heading back home.

A perfect get away.  Thank you girls for a wonderous afternoon in the mountains.

Pura Vida

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