Thursday, May 2, 2013

In and Out/In and Out......

For the past couple weeks my house has seen them come and go.  First it was Brooke, Craig and the dogs - Bo and Niko. Brooke works on-line and needed good internet so they stayed with me for about 5 days until they could get up the hill to Eleanor's.  Shortly after they left, Adam - my middle son's friend who has been with me on and off since the end of January, returned from El Salvador with 2 girls in tow.  Actually the first night it was just Arora from Switzerland, the following day Nadja from Sweden arrived.  Adam had met both these girls while in El Salvador and they all become fast friends.  Arora was here for just 2 nights before she continued on.  Adam and Nadja were here until yesterday when they headed up the road to Hermosa.  I think Nadja is going to Santa Teresa on Saturday, Adam may return "home" - not sure - will see him when I see him.  I think he takes his nursing exam in September and needs to be back in California in time to take a review course before that happens.  Until then, I am certain he will continue to see all he can.

Today I was here all by myself.  So what did I do.....I cleaned like a crazy person and piled up stuff I no longer need or want in hopes of my house selling soon so I can move on with my life.  Still have no idea where that will be - will figure it out when the time comes.

Hope you all had a nice day :)

Pura Vida
Niko and Bo

Craig and Brooke


Adam, Nadja, Noah and Arora

Adios....For Now

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