Monday, January 21, 2013

The Wonderful and Amazing Cassan Family

Paul, Theresa, Casey and Jack Cassan are from Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada.  They arrived in EO on the afternoon of Christmas Day and left on Jan. 7th.  They were here for just 2 weeks but what a non stop fun filled 2 weeks it was.  The photos were all taken by myself, Paul and Theresa - 3 different cameras.  I know from experience if I tried to put all of these photos in chronological order -it will not work.  Most of the photos were taken by them.  I stole the photos off FB and the dates on FB are not necessarily the date they were taken.  In short - the following is a total hodgepodge of some of the fun they had while here in no particular order.  Everyday something magical happened - it was a ton of fun and it all went by way to fast.  

I love you Cassan Family - I will never forget the fun times we had!!

Pura Vida

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