Monday, January 21, 2013

Impromptu Spay/Neuter Clinic

The day after the Cassan family left Esterillos, I was back on track trying to get some projects done that had been put on the shelf until after the holidays. 

Just the day before, I had been told that a project that involved hand painted tile had been finished and I could pick the tile up at the home of Dennis and Kyle.  When I got to the house to pick it up - there was my friend Elizabeth excited to see me as she was setting up for a spay and neuter clinic and needed someone to assist the visiting veterinarian.  El is 6 months pregnant and was told by her doctor she was not allowed to be involved with any type of surgeries.  I told her give me 15 minutes to take the project home, change clothes - I'd be right back.

You know in the states, when you have a puppy or kitten that needs to be "fixed" you are told no food or water after a certain time.  Here, that would be nice, but seldom happens.  Animals are picked up, brought in, given a shot to put them asleep, wam bam, no balls, no reproduction organs, no babies!

On this one morning we "fixed" 11 cats and dogs :)

Pura Vida

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