Saturday, January 19, 2013

New Year's Day 2013

The night before was the 5th year of Fred and Bri's party, this year's New Year's Day Surf Photo was also the fifth.  I have no idea why I came up with this idea back in 2009 -but I did.  Every year since, in the days afterward I get comments about how the photo is not representative of the "surfers of Esterillos".  Of course those comments usually come from the ones who do not show up.  Every year I put forth a lot of effort to include everyone.  I make sure everyone I can think of gets a flyer in spanish with the prior year's photo - inviting everyone to join.  It really doesn't bother me but it is interesting how often it is that the people who complain about whatever.... are also the same who do absolutely nothing for anyone but themselves.

By noon, same as last year, I was posted up under my rented beach umbrella and chair.  For at least 2 hours I sat there just watching the waves, the families playing on the beach, the birds flying above me. 

At 4 pm I had a scheduled meeting with my Dutch friend Elizabeth and amazingly, the sculptor who built the famous mermaid of Esterillos over 20 years ago.  This amazing man's name is Abilio Valverde Cespedes and his now 75 years ago.  In a nutshell and any of you who are reading this already know, at this meeting Abilio offered his services to repair La Sirena, who is in very bad shape due to time and the elements.  From that meeting, within a week I began one of the largest fundraisers I have ever personally taken on for the purpose to restore La Sirena.

Shortly after this meeting I met my friends Paul and Theresa Cassan and their two children Casey and Jack on the beach for yet one more spectacular sunset in EO.  During all that was going on this holiday season, they were right there in the middle of everything and are the subject of the following blog :)

Prior to the meeting with Abilio, under my umbrella on the beach, I remember contemplating the upcoming year - things I hope for and want to achieve.  I was very aware of how lucky I am for my 3 sons and the awesome friends I have.  My life is good, I truly have much to be grateful for.  With my house now up for sale, I have absolutely no idea where I will be this time next year, but the reality is no one knows anything about the upcoming moment in their life.  All one can do is live their life to the fullest, be kind to others, do what we can, be grateful for the good things we have.

Pura Vida

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