Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dan is the Man

Last weekend I saw my favorite fishing partner Dan at the bar.  He told me we were going fishing on Wednesday.  Wednesday???? OK - I was in.  Tom was going also and he had invited Desirae.  Some of my most favorite people all in one ponga boat with Minor.  I was told to be on the beach at 6 am - which of course I was.

Wednesday - bright and early, while all 4 of us were waiting for Minor I saw horses on the beach.  I ran to catch them with my camera.  When I got back, Minor had told us the tide needed to come up more before launching - at least another hour.  The 4 of us headed for Hotel La Sirena in hopes of coffee.  At 7 am Dan decided to start out with cerveza, I being his guest went for the same - the first time in my whole life to start this early.......but what the hell!

Then......disaster struck.  My camera died!!!!

Despite beautiful weather, great friends, a huge swell that made the ride extra fish.   No matter - in my book, a wonderful perfect day!  Thank YOU Dan :)

Pura Vida

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