Friday, May 18, 2012

Rob Machado

Last Saturday there was a local surf tournament in Hermosa with a very special guest - World famous surfer Rob Machado.  Rob is now 38, retired from professional surfing but still makes appearances.  He was born in Sydney, Australia but moved with his parents to Cardiff-by-the Sea in Southern, California when he was 3.

I really didn't know much about Rob until he showed up last week.  I had heard the name, seen him in several DVD's, knew he was up there.   For several years he and Kelly Slater shared the spotlight and still remain good friends.  I went to Hermosa just hoping to see him.  I wasn't disappointed.  I had got there early with other friends and was sitting on the beach when the announcer stated Rob was there, available to visit with, photos would be ok.  I turned to my friend Joe and asked if he would like a photo - he smiled, said yes.....and off we went.

I took Joe's photo first and then it was my turn.  Rob was so nice, not in a hurry...pulled me next to him for the photo.  I had heard he had been surfing in Esterillos just a day or so before so I told him that was where I lived and that it was a pleasure meeting him.  Photo taken......done - but not the end :)

The next morning I was walking on the beach trail headed out to surf.  Near the school, parked under the trees was 3 large vehicles.  As I passed - I thought I saw Rob.  I actually stopped and turned around but by then who ever it was....was in the car.  I kept walking.  In a few moments, one car passed me and then another.  The 2nd car slowed down and as I turned to see who it was, I heard "Have a nice day"  It was Rob.  I smiled as I am standing there holding my Pearson Arrow surfboard from Santa Cruz and knew he saw it also.........(I am not a good surfer and never will be - but I have a great board!!!!)  I said "Thanks again for the photo yesterday"  He smiled back and simply said "You are welcome"

Simple and Sweet - Made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pura Vida - Nothing in the world like it :)

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