Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Passion

I love my sons, I love Costa Rica, I love travel and adventure, I love many, many things but my horses!

Just before I went to California, I was with my friend Elizabeth when she bought a new horse.  While I was gone......she bought another.  Now she has a total of 4 that are right here in Esterillos where I live.  Nothing could make me happier.

Yesterday she sent me an e-mail asking if I wanted to ride.  The response was immediate -yes, yes, yes!!!!!!!  And so we did - this morning.

The two new horses are about 10 years old.  I think both have been used for tours so they are pretty calm.  What we discovered was neither were comfortable being on the beach...but they will learn and it will be just fine.  I was on the bay.  He has way more get up and go than the buckskin however that may change once the other horse puts on more weight and exercise.

The point is my joy that comes from living in Esterillos just went sky high.

High Ho Silver.......A new chapter has begun :)

Pura Vida

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