Friday, March 16, 2012

Horse Shopping - Again

Back in 2008 I had the privilege and costa rican experience of horse shopping with my friend Elizabeth.  I was actually with her and another friend when she found Millenio, whom she still has.  Recently she decided she wants another horse to horse tours/rides here in EO.

Yesterday she asked me if I would be interested in checking out horses and cattle in Puntaranus - up the coast about an hour and a half with the grandfather of her daughter Emma.  He is tico, has a ranch and knows horses.  Of course I was in.  Got a ride, met El in Jaco at noon.  As soon as I sat down she told me the trip had been cancelled just 30 minutes prior for a some unclear reason.  Life in Tico land - you never really know for sure of anything until it actually happens.  Gear shift - we decided to check out a local horse that might be for sale - by the same man who was going to take us to Puntaranus!  This horse was recently put in with a horse tour that goes to the top of a local mountain just for the amazing view - Miro's Mountain in Jaco.

Now we're talking.  Nothing I enjoy more than riding horses!  We went to her house and I managed to stuff myself into a pair of her jeans and off we went.

I have heard about this place a number of times thru the years but had never been there before.  The ride was truly amazing and the top breathtaking.  Most of my photos were taken while riding on the horse.  Most of the way up we were passing a wall that is covered with carvings - very intricate, beautiful, and amazing.  Near the top was a very small semi flat open area.  Here we traded horses so El could see what he looked like under saddle with me riding.  I liked him, but then......I like most horses.

At the end, she decided to ride him again - hopefully tomorrow and have a discussion with the owner - the grandfather of one of the most beautiful little girls I know - our Emma - whom we picked up shortly after the ride from pre- school.

Sometime life just jumps up and kisses you on the lips.  Today was that kinda day :)

Pura Vida

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