Monday, March 21, 2011

Secret Waterfalls

Thursday afternoon I'm hanging at the surf shop when Noah comes by and invites me to dinner at the house his mother is staying, plus a hike to waterfalls the next morning.  I am definitely in!  Stir fry that evening with him and Ivy - plans made for the next day.  I'v asked if Pepper could join us and after a phone call, she is in.

Friday morning - 6:15 am - Both Pepper and I are on time for smoothies before we head out.

Where exactly did we go???.....Well, that is top secret.  If I disclose the location, Noah will never take me anywhere again.

But here is what I can tell you.  This was a true Costa Rican adventure.  We saw 2 amazing waterfalls.  Since we are now into the dry season, the water flow was not as spectacular as I am certain it can be, however.....the the hike to both, and the settings themselves..... were awesome.

The second hike required sneaking across private property thru the stream bed.  Dry areas watching for snakes, the wet ones avoiding deep holes.  Crossing thru jungle, going under rusty barbed wire fence.  Carrying a stick when we heard dogs barking, trying to be as quite as possible so no one would hear us.  All of us completely dowsed with mosquito spray.  Once arrived at the destination - so worth it!

I love times like this.  Great friends - a simple moment in time that will always be remembered.  Muchas gracias Noah!

Pura Vida at its' finest.

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