Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fred's Birthday

Saturday was the big day and instead of having another all out party that takes days to prepare and then more to clean up - Bri planned a quaint party at home. Our friend Peter is here from London and he was all about curry.  I stopped by early in the day and saw the makings of awesome food and a king size cake. When I left, Peter and Bri were dancing on the lawn.

Fred has a zest for life like no other.  When there is a party goin on - he is always the last one on the dance floor.  The dance is not anything remotely traditional - it is all, love of life, endless.....and so, how appropriate to have his birthday cake presented to him in a dance.  As candles were being lit, Fred was already in the zone on the floor.  Bri brought the cake out and the dance continued, next his son Martin took over and around the floor they went.  Ricardo is Fred's business partner and of course there he was, spinning the cake  above his head and all around the room.  Then lastly, Fred took it for a spin to the delight of all of us present.

Best wishes for many, many more.  Love YOU Fred!

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