Friday, March 4, 2011

My Costa Rican Girls

A few days ago I was sitting at the surf shop with 3 of my closest friends.  Pepper, Desirae and Sharon.  All of these girls are young enough to be my daughters by 20+ years.  We were all sitting around the table just talking when I had one of those moments when everything is perfect.   I told them I had to take a photo because it meant a lot to me to just be there - and I did.

When I got home that night and saw the photo I knew I had to do a blog to acknowledge a small number of women - young women who have had a significant impact on my life here in Costa Rica.

I grew up with brothers, I have 3 sons.  My father was in the air force and with all the moving around as I child, I did not have a true girlfriend until I was a Jr. in high school.  I was married young, worked, had a lot of friends but few who were truly close.  It wasn't until I came to Costa Rica and experienced having the time to spend with people that changed everything.

The following order is by how long I have known each of them:

Elizabeth is Dutch.  When she was about 24 she came to Costa Rica to study spanish.  She fell in love with the country and has been here ever since.  She returns to Holland a couple times a year.  In 2007, Elizabeth was the one who asked me to cover for her as a volunteer at the vet clinic in Jaco.  I just wrote about her a few days ago in the Spay/Neuter Clinic blog.  Elizabeth would be surprised to know I am writing about her altho I am certain she knows I do love her.  This past year Elizabeth had her first child.  She made the choice to have a baby with a man she loves but also understands his ability to be a full time partner and father  Her 5 month old daughter Emma is one of the most beautiful and happy babies I have ever seen.  She is a total reflection of her mother's grace and spirit.  Elizabeth is passionate about animals and is dedicated to helping those who cannot help themselves.

Jeni is the daughter of my good friend Eleanor.  She is from Toronto.  She is a professional massage therapist - one of the very best I have ever known.  Jeni has the world by the tail and is passionate about everything!  She is stunningly beautiful inside and out.  Jeni has no problem telling me like it is and helping me get back on track when life occasionally becomes blurry.  Thank you, Thank YOU for being my friend!

Erin and her then boyfriend - now husband Chad, arrived in Esterillos in Feb. 2008.  They had arrived the evening before and when I first met them, they were standing in Brett's kitchen at Soda Mary.  They had just spent 40 days of surfing and adventure on a wild trip from San Diego in a large suburban.  With them was their golden lab - Rhino.  They were ready to settle down for awhile and were considering Esterillos.  Just that morning I had seen my friend Brigitte who had told me she was looking for someone who might be interested in house sitting most of the month of March while both she and her husband travelled.  Their house is one of the most beautiful in all of Esterillos.  Within 15 minutes of talking to this young couple, I knew they would be perfect - told them about the possibility - hooked them up with Fred and Bri that afternoon and - they were set.  After a month of living up on the hill, they were in love with Esterillos - like so many of us - rented another house and then stayed 5 more months before returning to CA.  During their time here in Costa Rica, Chad proposed and that October, I flew to San Diego to attend their engagement party.  The following August - in 2009 - I was actually in their wedding which was held in front of the famous Del Coronado Hotel in San Diego.  I was put "in charge" of Rhino who was the ring bearer and would follow at the end of the wedding procession.  I am very passionate about this dog and was very honored to be asked to do this task - but the memory of Rhino - who seldom has a leash on - dragging me across the lawn until he was finally released.........not a pretty sight - but still so happy to just be there.

Erin now has a master's degree in family therapy.  Erin was born with a gift for listening to people.  She is the kindest person I have ever known.  She is another one who is beyond beautiful - inside and out.  Erin loves me and I love her.  We are both very aware of that and I will forever be grateful for this gift that goes way beyond friendship.

Cailin arrived in Esterillos right after Christmas in 2008.  She and her boyfriend Shawn were here for the month of January 2009 before Shawn returned to New Jersey where they had came from.  After Shawn was gone, Cailin went to Dominical - another beach town about an hour and a half down the coast.  She had been there the year before and had a number of friends she wanted to visit.  She invited me to come and stay with her at the home of a family friend and check out Dominical.  She was so insistent that I took her up on the offer and from there, the biggest events of that year centered around Cailin which included a trip to New York City and then onto New Jersey.  Then in Nov. of that same year, Cailin and I travelled for 3 weeks around Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.

This week my young amazing friend Cailin turns 24.  24!!!!  When I met her she was just 21 and at that time I thought she was at least 27.  Cailin is the only child of devoted parents who taught her to be all she can be.  As a result, this girl is brilliant.  First of all she is beautiful.  She writes and plays her own guitar music, she is passionate about food and cooking, she is into yoga and rides a long board like a pro.  She has no problem speaking her mind, but also listens.  Cailin has it all.  Right now she is in Thailand on a trip that she began alone and now has friends from all over the world.

Cailin is an inspiration to all who meet her.  This past year her beloved father was diagnosed with a brain tumor.  With the love and devotion of his family and friends and his own personal strength, Paul has prevailed.  The daily struggles, which have been carefully, emotionally shared thru photos and e-mail by Cailin's mother Doreen, has been a constant source of hope and perseverance for so many of us who think our lives are tough.

Cailin and I have a bond that is inseparable.  I love her, I am proud of her, I am grateful to have her in my life.

Pepper has an inner wisdom and peace that radiates from her.  She is soft spoken, kind and loving.  Pepper truly loves me.  She listens, understands, does not judge.  I know I can ask her anything and she will do whatever she can to help.  What makes her so special is she will do the same for anyone regardless of whether she knows them or not.  Pepper is also a massage therapist and has the softest hands that have ever touched me.  Pepper is the angel in my life.

Brooke is like those first rays of sunshine on a spectacular sunrise morning.  When she walks into a room, she lights up everyone.  She is very strong willed, funny, the life of the party.  I first met Brooke last Feb. when she and her husband Craig moved here to EO from Phoenix, AZ.  They had committed themselves to living in Costa Rica for 1 year.  Unfortunately their renter flaked out on them and in Sept had to return early to the states.  They fell in love with Esterillos and will be back someday.  Brooke is the kind of person I wish I could be - confident things will go the way she wants and then makes it happen.

I have never had a relationship with another woman like I have with Desirae.  She is like the daughter, sister and best friend all in one.  She and her husband moved to EO last Feb. from Houston.  They have spent most of the past year establishing and building a combined surf shop and lawn and pool maintenance business with Brett.  They are very determined to succeed and stay.  All I need to do is look at Des and I know she knows what I am thinking....we are in sync. We are very comfortable in each other's presence - nothing needs to be said or done, nothing is expected.  If the shit ever hits the fan, I know I can count on Desirae to do whatever I need to have done.

Sharon and her boyfriend Jeff arrived in EO in January 2010 as friends coming to visit Shawn and Cailin.  Both she and Jeff love to surf.  Sharon literally has a twinkle in her eye.  She laughs a lot, makes you want to just be near her.  On the other hand, if you piss her off....she can go up one side and down the other - she has no problem expressing herself - something I wish I had the ability to do.  I love her because she simply makes me happy.

Kara will be surprised to learn she is on this "list".  I have known Kara for about a year and we really do not know each other very well - but we do.  Kara lives in a mountain town between here and San Jose named Athenes.  There she works as a licensed therapist helping adolescent boys who have been sent to Costa Rica for a change of scenery.  She is the most physically fit, healthy young woman l know.  She does everything.........and does it all well including surfing.  Kara works hard, is devoted to her profession, is wise beyond her years.

It is hard to believe that I have lived this long without realizing just how important it is to have women in my life.  Every one of these girls are extremely special  to me.  I cannot begin to thank them for what they cannot understand - the reason I love them so much.  I can not explain it, I just know it is very real.  I am confident all of these young women will continue to teach me new things and will remain an important part of my life until the day I am gone.


Erin said...

Thanks Patricia!!! This just made my day!!! Love you and can't wait to see you in less than 1 month :)

Jeni said...

Pat, I always suspected you had one of the kindest, most generous spirits I have encountered, now I know it to be true. Thank you for being a mentor and a friend. Today I learn by example and will give thanks to the universe for all the blessings in my life including the people I love and hold dear.

surfdawg said...

im waiting for a similar blog about the important men in your life.... see if i make the list!!