Monday, March 21, 2011


Dogs have always held a special place in my heart - some more than others.  The most recent being Bean.

Bean was found by Shane.  Apparently she was alone and starving so he picked her up and brought her to LowTide.  That was back in December when Ray and Lisa were fully on board running the bar.  Lisa is the one who gave Bean her name.

In Feb. Lisa returned to CA to assist with a friend soon to have a child.  A few weeks later, Ray returned also after the loss of his beloved dog and best friend Felix.  Both of them return to EO next week.

In the middle of this, with Shane, Lisa and Ray gone, Bean sorta got lost.  She was hanging out on the beach, scrapping for food - trying to fit in with all the other beach dogs.  Then she got mange.  When we had the spay/neuter clinic that was when she came into my life.  Lisa was gone and I had told her I would help take care of Bean.  I made sure she made it to the clinic.  About this same time another guy, Joe - from Seattle, fell in love with Bean.  He bought her food, made sure she was feed.  Together Joe and I decided to take on the Beaner.  He bought all the medication necessary to deal with the mange and mites.  Joe also found someone who wanted to adopt her.  Then we discovered she had erlickia - a sickness transmitted to dogs by ticks that can be fatal.  I made a trip to Jaco to get the shot and pills that needs to be taken on a very strict schedule for 21 days.  Mange baths were now being given twice a week.

Joe returned to Seattle last week and 2 days before he left he took Bean to her new home in Hermosa.  I can't remember the friends name but later that afternoon Joe told me that when Bean got to her new home the other dog - another female about her same size came right up the meet her.  Immediately Bean showed teeth, the hair on the other dog went up - but.....within 15 minutes there were playing like puppies.

A story with a very happy ending.  Bean now has a home where she will be loved and taken care of.

The Beaner........

A story similar to the starfish.  A boy was walking on the beach and saw hundreds of starfish washed up on the beach.  He began walking and as he did he picked up a starfish and threw it back into the ocean.  A man walked up to him and asked why are you doing can't possible get all these starfish back into the water.  The boy looked at him and said yes you are right, but it makes a difference to the one who was tossed back.

It is often difficult to see dogs that are so in need of love and care.  I try to keep the perspective - give and do what I can.  Know it does make a difference to that one and for the rest - just hope for the best.

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