Sunday, March 27, 2011

Last Night - Bull Riding :)

Last night - Bull Riding in Quebrada Amarilla (Yellow Brook) - across the nearest river from where I live.

Me, Debbie, Noah, his mother Ivy, Roni, Sean, Adam, Maria, T-Bone, Jeanine, Shane, & Allison

T-Bone, Adam and Sean the crazy ones in the arena.  Sean actually provided one of the highlights of the evening when he tripped and went down as a bull was after him.  Thank God he a surfer and has that pop up.....down.

Fun times that fortunately we all survived.

Livin La Vida Loca :)

Friday, March 25, 2011


Monday night was a "Wish you well" party for Margoth.

Margoth is the wife of Steve Chance and mother of Steven Jr.  They manage and run El Vago - the pizzeria and bar on the beach.

Margoth is one truly amazing woman.  She is tica, turned 40 just recently and is one of the most kind and gracious women I have ever known.

When she was about 3 or 4 years old, she was playing with her brothers.  They had her in a wheel barrel and on the way down a hill, things got out of control and Margoth was seriously hurt.  Since that day, her hip and leg has been severely twisted and have been a constant source of pain and discomfort in her life.

Margot never complains.  Even when you ask her how she feels - especially when the pain is written all over her - she will smile and say "I'm OK"

Last year attempts were made to find a doctor who could help her.  After numerous tests, etc... she was told if she was not operated on, she would be in a wheel chair within the next few years.  She was also told surgery would be very costly.  For awhile, things seemed very bleak.

Then something amazing happened.  Anna, who is swedish, owns a house here in Esterillos, comes and goes a lot, loves to in Houston.  Anna does massage and has been doing this for over 20 years.  She is very good at what she does and thru the years has met a number of high class people who actually fly her places just for her services. Houston, she met a doctor who, after hearing about Margoth, told Anna he would do the necessary surgery Margoth needs, free of charge.  From there, many, many others have become involved and to make this long amazing story short....this Sunday, Margoth will be flying to Houston for the surgery and follow up therapy.

Monday night was a party just to wish her well.  Margoth is loved by so many - this was very evident on this special night.

Dear Margoth - May the surgery go as planned and you never ever have to deal with this burden you have carried most of your life.  You are a true example of one who deals with what life hands them, who never complains to others about your misfortune, who values life and makes the most of every day given.  I simply love you and am grateful just to be your friend.  Best wishes for a speedy recovery!  P

Monday, March 21, 2011

Full Moon Party

Saturday night the moon was the closest it has been in 18 years making it a "Super Sized Moon"  Yahoo gave an explanation as to just why this happened:

"The largest full moon in more than 18 years – a so-called "super moon" – did not disappoint eager skywatchers around the world Saturday when it rose, big and bright, into Earth's night sky.
The full moon of March was 221,565 miles (356,575 kilometers) on Saturday, March 19 just 50 minutes after it hit its full phase, making it the biggest and brightest full moon since 1993. The "super moon" phenomenon occurred because the moon was in its full phase and just 50 minutes past perigee – the point of its orbit that brings it closer to Earth."

To celebrate this glorious phenomenon, Low Tide once again held one of their famous full moon parties.

The Marswell Band played a wide variety of reggae covers, originals and just plain awesome music till late in the evening.  

Great turn out, tons of fun, awesome night - Thanks Shane!