Monday, September 2, 2013

What The F..&$@(% Is Wrong With People???

I am still working one day a week in a veterinary clinic in Jaco.  This particular clinic offers services to animals that are found abandoned, hurt or starving.  Unfortunately......this clinic sees alot of these cases.

This was a puppy brought in last week when I was there.  The little female is several months old, starving, covered with mange - found wandering on a street in Jaco.

Barnabe - the doctor asked me what should be her name.  I said "Daisy"

Way back in 2007 when I first began working for a different vet in the same clinic - I was on my way into "work" with my friend Kristy Raihn.  Shortly after we crossed the bridge I saw a dog standing in the middle of the highway.  I told Kristy to stop.  I literally jumped out of the car, chased the dog down and brought it to the clinic.  I named her Daisy.  She became just one more dog supported by a foundation in Jaco that provides treatment, spay, neuter, whatever is needed for abandoned animals. Long story short - Daisy number 1 was well taken care of, was adopted by a local family and to this day lives a very happy, healthy life with her loving family.  

Daisy number 2 looks almost exactly like Daisy number 1.  

I work on Thursday this week - can't wait to find out what has been happening with Daisy!!

Stay tuned - To be continued.

Pura Vida

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