Monday, September 2, 2013

Rainmaker and Two Birthdays

About 30 minutes down the highway towards Quepos and another 20 on a very awesome old country road towards the mountains is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been - it is called Rainmaker.....and for good reason!

Two weeks ago....yes, I am behind on blogs again - Kealy, Desirae and I went to check out a new beer - Zaguate IPA - that was being served by the young couple who manage the bar and restaurant at the entrance to the park.  

I had been there many years ago but so much had changed I hardly recognized the place.  Regardless of the fact it was raining, I wanted to see the park.  To my surprise Des and Kealy joined me and with umbrellas in hand off we went.  

The trail we decided to take took about an hour to complete.  In that time we climbed up and down a well marked wet trail thru a dense jungle.  We crossed a number of swinging bridges, saw amazing waterfalls - were totally enchanted by the whole experience.

When we got back to the bar - It was just us, another family and the couple with their 3 boys preparing for a birthday party for one of their sons.  While Des, Kealy and I enjoyed the new beer, it was a ton of fun watching the kids.  For me this was a flashback. The boys were ages 3, 5, and 7.  The same exact age difference as my three sons.  Just sitting there watching them took me back to such times with my own three.

Rainmaker.  For years now I have been referring people to all the same places, year after year.  So excited to have a new place to send friends and visitors I meet coming and going thru EO.

After spending all afternoon and into the evening at Rainmaker - on the way back we managed to arrive at Jeni's birthday party before it was too late.....or the cake was gone!

Pura Vida

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