Sunday, September 15, 2013


When I got up this morning I had a message from my friend Brooke asking if could check on the dogs sometime today while they went white water rafting with visiting friends.  No problem!

About 10ish I left the house.  Fortunately I didn't have to be anywhere at a certain time.  Instead of going straight up the hill I took the beach road and came upon the horses.  I have no idea how long I was there - but it was awhile.  Took lots of photos of them and the pair of macaws that were right above our heads.  The day was perfect, people on the beach, awesome waves.  

Afterwards I stopped by the restaurant and had a cup of coffee.  While I was there I spotted an iguana in a flowering bush.  Sat there by myself and just took photos of what was right in front of me.  On my way up the hill I took a photo of the large tree that came down in the night. Amazingly, when it split - it did not hit her house but did fall on both sides.

I must have been at Brooke and Craig's house for about 2 hours...very quiet, just me and the dogs.  I walked around the yard taking photos of whatever.   

When I got home I could hear a toucan out in the back tree.  Got a photo before it flew off.

The day was just "Quiet".  I only spoke to a few people here and there.  Sundays are always busy, people in town, time spent with friends.  Today.......just "Quiet"

One simple beautiful day!

Pura Vida


katemeri said...

What a beautiful day! I've never seen a polka-dot iguana before - that looks cool. I love days like this!

Unknown said...

It's a rough life, eh? <3