Monday, September 2, 2013

The 4th Annual Fantasy Football Draft

This all began back in 2010.  I played that year - learned a lot - had a ton of fun!  Amazingly, I came in 3rd behind Brett in 1st place, Des in 2nd.  Even tho I had a great time that year, since then I have not played but do have the honor of being the monitor at the Draft.

The first year it was automatic.  Our teams were what we were given.  Of course it could and was changed constantly but right out the gate we had no choice in who our players were.

In 2011 that changed when the participants decided they wanted to make their own choices and that was when the fun began.  

Well....actually it wasn't all fun.  The draft was held at Brett's.  I think there were 5 people present with another 3 or 4 online, each on a separate computer set up on the bar.  In the middle of that draft as I was keeping track of time, who make what choice, etc....Stain, one of the local dogs that we all knew....walked in and in the middle of the draft - died!  In short, the draft was continued to the following evening and those of us present walked to the beach and buried our friend.

Last year 2012 - the party was held at the Shake Bar.  No dogs were allowed - it went off as expected....don't remember any issues.

So....this year.  

T-Bone and Janine arrived from New Orleans on Saturday.  I had been told the party would be at T-Bone's condo in Herradura - up near Los Suenos (the fancy place :)

Anytime T-Bone does anything - it is always BIG and sure enough.....there was all kinds of food all over the place.  

These events never start of time - no surprise there considering the players.  And always - here it is dark and we are just starting.  This year there would be 12 players - T-Bone, Brett, Kealy, Desirae, Aaron, Brooke&Craig as one team....all present.  On line and video were Bruce in California, Sean in Oahu, Jim in Maui, Jeff in New Jersey, Novak in S. Carolina.  Ray in LA was not available - Des would make the choices for him.  

You can only imagine how involved all this was getting set up.  Thank God Des is our IT girl.  Because my group arrived last, I was busy setting up my table, drew the names for the order of picks, got my name sheets organized, made sure I had a timer.  The food looked great and I was starving, but it would have to wait.  

I really have no idea just how long it took for 12 players to make 16 draft choices each.  What I do know.... this was total chaos!!! Because of the way we were set up I was too far from the people on-line so I could barely hear them.  Everyone in the room was talking and many were trying to do my job.   Besides everyone directly involved with the draft there were other guests present who were not involved and had their own discussions going on.  I am not familiar with the majority of the football players - am shocked how many have last names I have never heard of :) - Had Desirae repeat a number of times and even spell names that were chosen.  

Despite how all this sounds and how crazy it was getting it was still a ton of fun.  When the last name was written, it felt like a huge accomplishment had been achieved.  I can't remember who suggest the tequila shot.....but at the time it seemed like a great idea!  Afterwards, we got to visit with some of our online friends that we wish had been present!

The teams are now in place.  I know from experience, one must be on top of this every single week - not just the day before a game, but almost every day you need to be aware of what is going on with each and every player because these are real people with real issues that can change at any given moment.  You can drop players, chose new ones, lose them for a variety of reason.  It is a ton of fun!!  What was I thinking..........I should be in the league this year!!!!  Oh well - maybe next year :)

Pura Vida

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