Monday, February 18, 2013

The Restoration of La Sirena

On January 7th I sent out a huge e-mail to over 180 friends whom I know that have been or are currently living here in Esterillos Oeste.  The message was a plea for help with the restoration of our very own "Sirena" .  My goal was to reach $3,000 in pledges for that project.  Within 5 days I received an overwhelming response and just today sent out an up-date as to the status of that project.  The following is a copy of that message:

So much has happened since I first sent out the plea for help with the restoration of La Sirena the 2nd week of January.  The response for donations was overwhelming and within the 5 days of soliciting - the total goal of $3,000 was achieved.

If you recall, what began this movement was when the original sculptor approached me and my friend Elizabeth asking us for help to fix her.  This project has been in the works for many years and was dropped back in April when the family who built her decided they did not want to fix her, instead wanted to build a new one.  Elizabeth and I withdrew our support and nothing happened for months until Abilio realized nothing would happen unless he got us back on board.

At the last meeting between the 3 of us, I told him I would do everything I could to get the money necessary for repairs.  After that meeting, Abilio returned to his home in Puriscal, which is about 2 hours inland from Esterillos.  By the time I had secured pledges toward the funding, he was working on another project and told us he would get here as soon as possible. Just last week he returned to Esterillos with the understanding the restoration project was now a go.

I had been told he would be here either Monday or Tuesday.  Monday came and went.

Tuesday morning I had been asked by Brett to take photos of an interview that was going to be held on the beach involving the life guard program and was being conducted by a journalist and photographer who work for the Costa Rican Police.  I was right on time to capture how thorough the interview was with live video.  Near the end of the filming I noticed Abilio headed out to La Sirena and immediately went after him.  Brett saw what was going on, was very aware of the project and informed the 2 men doing the interview for the lifeguard program, about the restoration.

Before I knew it.... here they all came.  The man who had conducted the interviews with the lifeguards was now very interested in Abilio and La Sirena.  They spoke for awhile and then next thing I was told that both Elizabeth and I needed to be on the beach the next morning with Abilio for our own interview.  Very exciting.....but yikes :)

Following all this, Abilio and I went to Elizabeth's house.  I told her what had happened and what was scheduled for the next morning.  Then the 3 of us sat down and discussed what was necessary to get Abilio started.  As we were wrapping it up, Abilio asked if we could go to Parrita to talk to the Mayor who is a friend of Abilio.  He wanted to make sure he was aware of what was going on and that permits had been obtained.  So off we went.  When we got to the office, we were told to come back in 20 minutes.  While we waited, Abilio walked us to a public park and showed us a bronze sculpture he did in honor of a woman from Parrita several years ago.  Afterwards in the office of the Mayor, introductions were made, smiles exchanged, we were given his blessing:)

The following morning - before the interview - Abilio, Elizabeth and I went to see a friend we both know who is also a welder. Dieter is German. I had no idea welding was his profession.  His wife is Doris, whom I have know from 5 years back when I worked as a volunteer in the vet clinic that Elizabeth now owns......Both Doris and her husband Dieter are very involved with rescuing animals and do all they can to support the local foundation that provides spay and neuter services for strays and families with very little income.  As it turns out...Dieter is a professional welder and had a very good idea of just what would be needed to fix the mermaid.  He and Abilio talked for about an hour as to the issues and possible solutions.  Dieter told us he would come to EO on Sunday to do a full evaluation.  Elizabeth and I were ecstatic!

Afterwards we returned to EO for the "interview".  First thing we all did was walk out to La Sirena.  The man in charge had Abilio show him the problems with the mermaid while the journalist took photos.  Then he had me up there taking more photos.  Afterwards, all 5 of us sat at the hotel for over an hour, each one of us taking our turn to answer their questions.  The conversations were recorded and more photos taken.  The purpose of all this is to have this published in one of the national newspapers.

Those 2 days were awesome and that was when I truly believed the restoration would no doubt happen!

The last thing we were waiting to hear more on was Dieter's evaluation as to what would be needed to fix her.  As promised, yesterday he and his wife Doris came to Esterillos to make the assessment.  Basically what he said was the damage was sever and would take a lot of work - like at least 4 days.  He is pretty much booked until the end of March and lives in Jaco, but said he would do it.  Then.....he offered to give his time for free!  We of course would pay for all the materials, but what he does not realize is we will also make sure all his expenses, gas, food, etc will also be covered and anything else we have from the fund after compensating Abilio for the same things..... will be given to him.  His offer to help is truly wonderful and humbling........

And so here we are.  Today, Elizabeth and I went to Jaco and deposited funds in Abilio's account so he can buy the bronze to make a new fin for the one that was lost several years ago.  After that is completed, Dieter will weld the fin to the tail and then start the huge project of sealing and welding the many cracks that need to be repaired.  

Standing on this side - the project looks huge but everyone is now on board - I am beyond excited about all that has happen in just one week.  I cannot thank all of you who have donated to this project.  Of the $3,000 pledged, almost $2500 has been received.  For those of you who have not yet been able to send in your pledge, please let me know if you have changed your mind or you need more time.  To the many who contacted me after the goal was reached, please stay tuned, we still may need a bit more to complete the project.  Your support is truly appreciated!  Thank you so much for trusting me with your money to get this done.

Last but not least.....I thank my dear friend Elizabeth for without her fluent spanish and telephone discussions with Abilio almost daily.....the restoration simply would not have happened.

Pura Vida

Abilio, Dieter & Elizabeth

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