Saturday, February 16, 2013

Fun Surf Until the Crocs Showed Up!


Bjorn & Adam

It is often a huge topic of discussion here in EO between those who believe and those who don't.  I am believer - I have seen crocodiles in the water several times myself, fortunately only from shore, so when someone tells me they saw one while surfing, or where ever... I believe it.  So yesterday - Sharon's parents arrived in town that morning and we were all sitting at the bus stop when someone pointed out the crocodile in the beach break right in front of us chomping on a fish.  That one was about 8 feet long, his friend was maybe 6 feet.  My friend Adam, who is a friend of my son Scott, is currently visiting CR for the first time and staying with me.  Just 10 minutes before the sighting, Adam  and Bjorn had just been right there surfing. Both of them and anyone else close were immediately called out of the water.  

The photos are real - Please be careful out there!!

Pura Vida

1 comment:

Cathy said...

...never smile at a crocodile....