Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dan is the Man

Last weekend I saw my favorite fishing partner Dan at the bar.  He told me we were going fishing on Wednesday.  Wednesday???? OK - I was in.  Tom was going also and he had invited Desirae.  Some of my most favorite people all in one ponga boat with Minor.  I was told to be on the beach at 6 am - which of course I was.

Wednesday - bright and early, while all 4 of us were waiting for Minor I saw horses on the beach.  I ran to catch them with my camera.  When I got back, Minor had told us the tide needed to come up more before launching - at least another hour.  The 4 of us headed for Hotel La Sirena in hopes of coffee.  At 7 am Dan decided to start out with cerveza, I being his guest went for the same - the first time in my whole life to start this early.......but what the hell!

Then......disaster struck.  My camera died!!!!

Despite beautiful weather, great friends, a huge swell that made the ride extra fish.   No matter - in my book, a wonderful perfect day!  Thank YOU Dan :)

Pura Vida

Friday, May 18, 2012

Rob Machado

Last Saturday there was a local surf tournament in Hermosa with a very special guest - World famous surfer Rob Machado.  Rob is now 38, retired from professional surfing but still makes appearances.  He was born in Sydney, Australia but moved with his parents to Cardiff-by-the Sea in Southern, California when he was 3.

I really didn't know much about Rob until he showed up last week.  I had heard the name, seen him in several DVD's, knew he was up there.   For several years he and Kelly Slater shared the spotlight and still remain good friends.  I went to Hermosa just hoping to see him.  I wasn't disappointed.  I had got there early with other friends and was sitting on the beach when the announcer stated Rob was there, available to visit with, photos would be ok.  I turned to my friend Joe and asked if he would like a photo - he smiled, said yes.....and off we went.

I took Joe's photo first and then it was my turn.  Rob was so nice, not in a hurry...pulled me next to him for the photo.  I had heard he had been surfing in Esterillos just a day or so before so I told him that was where I lived and that it was a pleasure meeting him.  Photo taken......done - but not the end :)

The next morning I was walking on the beach trail headed out to surf.  Near the school, parked under the trees was 3 large vehicles.  As I passed - I thought I saw Rob.  I actually stopped and turned around but by then who ever it was....was in the car.  I kept walking.  In a few moments, one car passed me and then another.  The 2nd car slowed down and as I turned to see who it was, I heard "Have a nice day"  It was Rob.  I smiled as I am standing there holding my Pearson Arrow surfboard from Santa Cruz and knew he saw it also.........(I am not a good surfer and never will be - but I have a great board!!!!)  I said "Thanks again for the photo yesterday"  He smiled back and simply said "You are welcome"

Simple and Sweet - Made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pura Vida - Nothing in the world like it :)

We are Women

Once in awhile the women of Esterillos get together for a variety of events.  This past week we had 4 straight days......of girl things!  It started out last Saturday.  Sean & Krista are back in town for about 2 weeks, so Krista's mom Marga had a get together up at her place in the afternoon.  My time there was short but sweet as I also had plans to attend a surf contest in Hermosa (more about that later) at 4 pm.

The next day - Sunday - was Pepper's birthday.  At first she wasn't sure what she wanted to do but had invited me up to the house to hang out at the pool in the afternoon.  While there I asked her what she wanted to do.....dinner, what???  Karen had already told her she would be able to take us wherever she wanted to go if she wanted to go out of town.    After considering possibilities I suggested we have drinks at Villa Caletas, an amazing unique resort that sits high on a point over looking the ocean on the other side of Jaco. Pepper loved the idea.  I then suggested we invite Desirae and Sheila and within a few moments, the party was on.  By the end of the birthday evening, the 5 of us women had shared champagne at Villa Caletas, made a repair on a car belt by readjusting the duct tape, an awesome Italian dinner in Jaco, a fun the casino:)

The next morning - Monday - seven of us - me, Pepper, Desirae, Karen, Denise, Brigitte and Sheila went on the Discovery Horse Tour that is owned and operated by good friends Chris and Andrea Wady.  This ride takes one thru a private rain forest and preserve.  The horses are well trained and cared for.  In fact - Trip Advisor has voted this tour number 1 in all of Costa Rica.  Besides the spectacular ride, we all enjoyed lathering each other up in mud and rinsing off in the natural springs in the middle of the jungle.  Another good friend -Julia - who also lives in Esterillos - was our guide.  Truly!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing.

Then - finally - the next day - Tuesday - Nelle had arranged a luncheon at the swanky Monterey Resort in Esterillos Este.  Here 20 women - most of them from EO enjoyed each other's company and a great lunch.

Four wonderful days in the company of amazing women who live and love Costa Rica.  This country is not for everyone but for all of us who choose to be here.....we understand each other in a way that is unexplainable...... but very real.

I am grateful for the women friends I have here - How very, very different we are but strong and united.

Thank you girls for the pleasure of your company!

Pura Vida

(I download all the photos in the order of events - however, Blogger decided to mess with me and rearrange.......)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Passion

I love my sons, I love Costa Rica, I love travel and adventure, I love many, many things but my horses!

Just before I went to California, I was with my friend Elizabeth when she bought a new horse.  While I was gone......she bought another.  Now she has a total of 4 that are right here in Esterillos where I live.  Nothing could make me happier.

Yesterday she sent me an e-mail asking if I wanted to ride.  The response was immediate -yes, yes, yes!!!!!!!  And so we did - this morning.

The two new horses are about 10 years old.  I think both have been used for tours so they are pretty calm.  What we discovered was neither were comfortable being on the beach...but they will learn and it will be just fine.  I was on the bay.  He has way more get up and go than the buckskin however that may change once the other horse puts on more weight and exercise.

The point is my joy that comes from living in Esterillos just went sky high.

High Ho Silver.......A new chapter has begun :)

Pura Vida