Sunday, February 26, 2012

Camp Betty

Today is Sunday and once again I am way behind - so much going on....

Last Sunday was the day I declared would be all about my friend Betty.

Betty (aka Beth) is from San Francisco.  It was last year in January she simply appeared out of the blue.  I was sitting at Brett's place along with several others watching Sunday football when she simply walked in - asked if this was the place to watch football - sat down and immediately became a part of EO family.  At that time, many adventures were had and then she was gone... but endeared to many of us here in Esterillos.

Unfortunately when good friends like Betty arrive - the time simply flies by and then they are gone again.......and so it was this year with Betty.  A few weeks of non stop fun and then back to her world.

So - last Sunday.  I had not had enough one on one time with her, so last Saturday I told her I was going to rent an umbrella and a few chairs on the beach so we could have some quality time.  The only other time in my whole life I have done this was on New Year's Day this year when I just sat there for 4 solid hours.  I went down early to stake out a spot and told her I would meet her at 11.

Right on time - here she came.  Pepper and I were already set up with cold beers and snacks to enjoy the day.  Within a short period of time, another friend stopped by - then another - then......another.  This is how the whole afternoon went and within a few hours our spot was dubbed "Camp Betty"  The party lasted all day long until Jose came to take away our umbrella as the sun was going down.

"Camp Betty" - an afternoon totally devoted to one of our favorite snow birds :)

Pura Vida

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