Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Texas Boys 2 Back in Town

There are the original Texas Boys from Houston and then there are the Texas Boys from Galveston.  I just call them Texas Boys 2.  Robert, Huck, Barry and Derek were all here this time last year, had a ton of fun and decided to do it all again this year.  They have already spent a couple days out sport fishing which is their passion.  One day they scored a catch and release sailfish and a bunch of grupers, maybe a tuna or 2 - can't remember.

Yesterday was spent in Jaco.... eating & drinking, drinking and eating - the TX boys, Brett, Kealy, Desirae, Kara and I.  Some of the guys wanted to hang at the casino for awhile, the girls and I spent time around the pool.  The bar has a caged toucan :( which apparently loves ice and rum.  Robert and Huck are the surfers and were out this morning.  Naps this afternoon - including me (alone) and I seldom take a nap, fish tacos this evening.

Pura Vida

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