Friday, September 23, 2011

My New House

Back in 2008, when I sold my house in California, right away I bought a house here in Esterillos that a friend was selling. At that time everything in the states was at the height of pending disaster and I was actually concerned about having any money in the states, so I put what I had into this house.  It was just an investment with no plans to live there.  Renters were already in the house and I just sorta forgot about it.  Then in 2010, my renters moved.  I decided to sell the house and realized it would financially be better for me to move out of my beloved cabina up on the hill with the ocean view, live in this house till it sold.

When I moved into the house, I was sad to be leaving "the hill".  I had lived there for almost 4 years.  It was beautiful, my small cabina was my private paradise.  Now I was living in "track housing" where the houses are so close you can often hear what is happening next door.

Never in my life have I lived in a fancy home, but where I came from was actually a small 3 bedroom spanish style home with a red tile roof.  It was on the central coast of CA, about 10 minutes from the beach, 2 1/2 acres, covered with oak trees.....and my horse in the back yard.  This is were I lived with my family for over 20 years.  Selling it in 2008 was very difficult, but, I did. be living in track housing was a shock. make the long story short, within a very short time I got to know the developer very well.  His name is Israel.  He lives right here in this development with his wife and daughter.  He was born in Costa Rica but actually lived in Los Angeles for about 25 years.  He is totally amazing.  He stands behind his work, is fanatic about security, in general is a very good honest man.

It is totally because of Israel, in the past year I had a complete change of heart about where I lived.  As a single woman living in Costa Rica there are 2 things more important than the beautiful house up on the hill.  It is security, and the convenience of having someone right there who will quickly and correctly do or fix anything that needs repaired.

My first house has still not sold, but after Christmas, Israel told me he was going to build me a new house just to keep his workers employed.  Many have been with him for over 5 years and at that time there were no other houses to build.  Since then he has built several more, but steadily thru this year, built mine.  Two weeks ago it was done. At first, I told Israel I could not move into it.  He insisted....saying the other house will sell, and then we will settle up.  This is how amazing this man is.  So......I did.

A lot has been going on for the past 2 weeks, moving in, working on both houses.

Yesterday was the highlight of all this.  I held a luncheon at my new house for all the workers who built the house.  I see these men.....all of them, every single day.  While I lived in the other house, 2 houses were built right next door to me, a rancho and outside area on the house on the other side.  Two more houses built across the street.  I have lived in major construction with an average of 20 men on all sides for the past year and a half.

I love these men.  They are respectful and kind.  I come and go alot and each time I am headed down the street, many of them wave or say hello.

So......yesterday.  I wanted to do something over the top special for them - all 23 of them.  I asked my friends Sean and Roni to help with a lunch.  Sean is the best chef ever!  These men are used to rice and beans......I had Sean grill super sized bacon cheese burgers with bacon, his awesome potato salad, choc chip cookies and soda. Instead of having them walk around the house to the back area, I had each one come in thru the front door and I gave them a kiss on the cheek. Sean and Roni prepared each plate in my kitchen and I walk out, 2 plates at a time and served them.  Then......I had a small speech written out in Spanish.  After every sentence I asked them if they understood.  They laughed and nodded their heads.  I was so nervous but they being kind as they always are, were truly thankful.  Before they left, we had the group photo in front of the house that Desirae took for me.

My new house is about 1,000 sq feet.  I chose everything....the style, the color, the tile, the front door, the everything.....I have never in my life been involved with building a house or for that matter......not even any major improvements.  Working with Israel was easy and wonderful.  He is truly one of the kindest men I have ever known.  Now I just need to sell the other house before it is truly mine.  Israel tells me to stop worrying, it will happen........It will and then it will truly be mine.

Pura Vida

1 comment:

sooz said...

Good luck in your new home Pat.