Sunday, September 18, 2011

Five Years

Today - 5 years ago - was the first time I ever came to Costa Rica.  At that time I was in transition.  Having just took an "early" retirement with plans to move from my home of 30 years on the central coast of CA - to Colorado.  I had grown up in Montana, thought I would like to go back to the mountains - however, one single thought and impulse changed my whole life.  I decided I would go live on a beach, a tropical beach clue just where - for a few months.  It is a long story as to exactly how I ended up in a small fishing/surfing coastal town in Costa Rica, but I did and here I am still.

5 Years.  When I consider that, it seems like yesterday.....and forever...the many, many different people I have met from a wide variety of places in the world.  Living in a country that requires you leave every 90 days to renew your visa has "forced" me to go to Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, San Andres Island which belongs to Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.  I have learned to surf, still not good but have had some of the most amazing times of my life on my board.  To say that everyday is an adventure is an understatement.  It is very hard to describe life in Costa Rica.  The beauty of it all, the culture, living in a small town where you don't pick your friends like in the states - instead you are mixed in with a wide variety of personalities that you see and deal with every day.  You have to learn to give and take, try not to choose sides, be patient and love everyone for the amazing person they are.  Living here has changed my perspective on Everything!  Hardly a day goes by that I am not amazed at something and the simple fact I live here.

Today is Sunday.  It is the one day of the week that has a lot going on.  There are alot of people on the beach - mostly ticos from San Jose, El Vago's has chicharones (fried pork that is cooked in a large "wok" on a open fire - that I love!!) in the early afternoon, a number of people you don't see during the week will be at the "Grassy Knoll" in front of Vago's.  I seldom surf on Sundays because for me there are just too many obstacles in the water (other surfers) and therefore my time is spent just watching - another of my favorite things to do.

Right now I am headed for Sean and Roni's for breakfast.  After that....I don't know - What I do know is when I go to bed tonight I will reflect on what I great day it was and give thanks for one more day in Paradise.  Thank YOU.......for 5 amazing, beautiful years.

Pura Vida

1 comment:

katemeri said...

Happy Anniversary Pat! We're so glad you're here! xoxo